A Berry Tinted Fatigue.

Anna Angseryd proves with Patouf's AW11 collection that tailored needn't necessitate formality. The reworked army print unexpectedly brings the more structured jackets and skirts down to earth, while deep bordeux and creamy greys act as the perfect accent colour. It's the simplicity and wearability of Anna's collections that always draws me to the brand but it's the small details that make it continually linger in my mind: a slit across the knee of an otherwise quite basic pair of trousers, a collar line that dips just a bit lower that usual, or a scarf that doubles as a hood (AW11's update on the snood, perhaps?).

My must-haves from Patouf's AW11 collection include: the slim leg army trousers, long line cardigan, plus both the navy and grey skirt suit - because they are the encapsulation of the level of grown up dressing I need at this stage in my life.

Be reminded of Patouf's SS11 collection here.


Take your pick.


The final cut: part I.