heavy metal...
The founders of Stolen Girlfriends Club seem to have developed a bit of a cult following. Three blokes from New Zealand with no design or fashion training, but rather a love for surfing, have managed to create a unique brand that the likes of Kate Bosworth, Peaches Geldfof, and the Cobra Snake covet. Luke Harwood, one of the founders, says 'We love the idea of doing things ourselves. Like just picking up a camera or making a film, there's something really nice about not being taught and not having your ideas or fundamentals shaped by influence or a teacher. As long as you have good intuition and vision for the final outcome, it doesn't matter how you get there and the technical imperfections actually add raw feeling and quality to a project, garment or brand.' As a girl who's studying for her masters in Political Theory but avidly obsessed with fashion, photography, and writing (with no formal training in any) that is a motto I can definitely get behind. I had seen their collection before, everyone has been going mental over their knit shorts from the Autumn 2010 range, but today was the first time I had seen their jewelry collection. I absolutely adore it. It looked positively magic hanging from white tree branches inside the Robinson Pfeffer Showroom that I visited today. Yes please, I would gladly wear them all. I especially like the key necklace with various locations...
At least this way a girl can dream about having homes in New York, London and Paris, right?

Featuring: Death Metal Bracelet, Key City Pendant, Safety Pin Pendant, End Has No End Pendant and Axe Ring.