Thoughts on Loungewear
Snooze o'clock
Nothing beats a good puppy cuddle.
There are two types of people in the world: those that need loungewear and those that do not. I am, undoubtedly, a loungewear kind of gal. When I get home I straightaway change into my comfies. It's like a theaurpeutic de-robing of the day and any stress that went along with it. Goodbye job. See you later colleagues. Hasta luego nightmare drivers that refuse to use their indicators. I'm home.
Breathe in.... breathe out.
A key part of that breathing out is the changing of my clothes. I have a two year old daughter and a dog, so it's usually pretty hectic when I first get home. Everyone is excited. There's jumping and screaming. Hugs and sometimes chaos unfolding. But I always make an effort to dash off to my bedroom and change. It signifies an important shift in the day: a pause for relaxation.
While I'd like to say I sashay around my apartment in an opulent silk robe, the reality is I tend to favor a more relaxi-taxi type of look. High waisted leggings and cropped t-shirts are my look du-jour at the moment. Athleta is currently responsible for my favorite leggings and my favorite cropped t-shirts are from Madewell.
The most wonderful thing about this take on loungewear is that, if there isn't anything big going on during the weekend, it does double duty as pajamas and day clothes. Am I being gross? Oh well. If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.
Wearing Tomboy X Essentials Soft Bra. Cuddles courtesy of #mredisoninglis.