not your average photographer...
photographers are normally meant to be the ones pointing the camera at the fashionable and beautiful people. uh... not quite at fashion week. even the press were sickeningly cool... oozing style and originality. always a bit caught off guard when asked to have their photo taken (is it just a ploy to add to their mystique?) their candidness and sense of style is just too phenomenal to be passed up.

monochrome: has anyone read the april edition of UK harpers bazaar? they mention throughout that simple and sharp black and white (with accents of grey) is their forecasted biggest trend for spring. a trend i actually had not heard much about until i bought the magazine today. but here it is, alive and thriving, on two girls with markedly different senses of style. i have loads of photos of the photographer on the right. that hat! it is seriously divine - so luminescent and like a piece of painted artwork - the greys just sort of morph together to create this lifelike fur entity, just hanging out on top of her head. oh i love it. and those boots! with all the little studs... ah, so lovely.

seriously this girl is gorgeous. i love her (what looks like vintage) pink trench, especially when paired with the chunky black doc martins. umm... seriously, doc martins are having a moment. i remember having a pair of doc martin mary-janes when i was like, 9... too bad i don't still have those. anyway, they are great and i am appreciating that they have overcome the whole skin-head affiliation they had back in the 70s (seriously even my political theory professor wore a pair to class yesterday!).

these guys have such different style. i saw a photo of the gentleman on the left on another website.... but i can't remember where. he looks quite scandinavian to me (i am sure one of you out there knows who he is and will correct me on that...). his hair, glasses, beard, the structure of that coat... i really love it. have just noticed that he doesn't have on any gloves and is trying to hide his hands inside his sleeves... i totally sympathize with that. now, the gentleman on the right was pretty sly, just sort of fading into the background (although, that seems bizarre now - do you see his shoes? how could he blend in with those on?). he's pretty cool with that military inspired jacket, bright yellow sneakers, and big red bag.
shortly after i asked to take his photo everyone went mental for him and got down on their knees to photograph him. it's like their bowing down to him or something. ah, the power of a good subject.
update: have just found out that the chap in the yellow sneakers is Nedim Nazerali. he is a freelance photographer based in london and has an incredible website full of enticing photos that you can check out here and a seriously cool blog called creamsoda creamsoda (creamsoda just happens to be my favourite kind of soda... but i can't seem to find any good ones in the UK). anyway, check them both out. you'll be happy you did.