STYLE Jennifer Inglis STYLE Jennifer Inglis


Moxham osiris necklace

I'm completely in love with Moxham. My favourite piece from the new spring/summer collection is the Osiris necklace. It's massively chunky and quite heavy but such an awesome statement piece. Here I'm wearing it over one of my favourite t-shirts that I picked up on ebay.

Wearing: Moxham Osiris necklace, Somewhere Nowhere embellished hat, Paul & Joe Sister jacket, wolf tank top from ebay and Topshop jeans.


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STYLE Jennifer Inglis STYLE Jennifer Inglis


This time last week I was in Berlin shooting the look book for German based cashmere brand Muriee. We had loads of fun, ate tons of cookies and spent one day walking around the city taking street style type photos. This is my favourite outfit that I wore on the day. Just a simple outfit with wide legged jeans and a super cuddly tan coloured cashmere jumper. The best part of the look though was the pink beanie that had cute little ears. I love the idea of taking something as classic as a cashmere hat and making it youthful and fun.

Wearing: Muriee jumper and hat, Paul & Joe Sister jacket, J.Brand jeans and Topshop ring.

Photos bz Kris Vandamme

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Culture Jennifer Inglis Culture Jennifer Inglis

Why I finally got Instagram

INSTAGRAM by Jennifer Inglis
INSTAGRAM by Jennifer Inglis


I know what you're thinking ('I told you so'). Let's just call this one a draw and pretend like my feeble attempt to stick it to the Instagram gods never actually took place. I'm on it now, okay? Are you happy now? Follow me: @stylecrusader K? Alright. Let's all get back to our day now.

Love you all. Kissy kiss. xx

p.s. OBSESSED with a buttery brown leather Paul & Joe Sister leather jacket at the moment. #swoon

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LIFE Jennifer Inglis LIFE Jennifer Inglis


Keeping it light n' frothy with some photos I took today in Zurich with my new iPhone (#bootydance). Don't even get me started on how great it is. My life. has been transformed.. The case I'm getting is going to be the best part. But shhh, I'm keeping it a secret for now.

I'm not normally into doing interviews but when I received an e-mail from Karolina in Poland asking if I'd answer a few short questions I couldn't resist. I love that we have so much in common and that she clearly gets what my blog is about. Check out the interview below:

A mini-interview with yours truly

  • You said starting a blog was kind of distraction for you - was the decision really spontaneous? Can you point out one particular moment when it was set: OK, I'm about to start a blog? I actually remember the exact moment when the idea came to me. I was sitting in the backyard of my sister's house in St Louis with my family and randomly  blurted out, 'I'm going to start a blog.' It was sort of a joke and we all laughed about it. It was August 2009, the summer after I finished my undergraduate degree.
  •  Reading your blog and a short "about" paragraph I can see some similarity between us: I often search for distractions (during a degree in political theory also), I love beautiful things and I love to write. Starting a blog, however, is one of the things that are put in the "maybe later" drawer. Can you convince me in very few words that this idea is really worthy accomplishing? A blog gives you the platform to express yourself in whatever way you want - you don't need to be held back or restrained by anything. It will change you. The freedom that comes with blogging is what makes it worth accomplishing.
  • Has your personal style changed since you are a well known blogger? No. To be honest I've never felt like I have a strong sense of personal style. Some people have a very distinct and memorable style. I don't think I have that. I just wear what I like and it's always pretty low key. My personal style is always evolving. Working with PR agencies and designers means that now I have access to products I never thought I'd even see in real life. There are temptations that come along with that and I always try to ask my-self before walking out the door... do I really like this? It's easy to get sucked into the feeling that you should follow the big trends or wear certain things but I try to avoid that.
  • Are you really The Style Crusader? What, in style and fashion, are you fighting for?  I love this question. The 'crusade' has changed and developed. There was a fighting element even in the first post I did which was titled 'Mission Statement'. As I say in that post from August 2009, I can't help but scrutinize the world around me. That's definitely still true today. Now, I think the 'crusade' is really just for authenticity and quality. Whether that's in the way you put together an outfit, a magazine's content, or the behavior of a major brand.

If you have any other burning questions for me (from what underwear I like to which philosophical doctrine I most adhere to) ask in the comments below. I hate answering the same question more than once, so we can use this as a gathering ground of enquiries. Good plan?

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STYLE Jennifer Inglis STYLE Jennifer Inglis


Dear Lucy,

I'm familiar with you from such blogs as Vanessa Jackman. You don't know me but I'm proud to say I've been your style stalker for quite some time now. Why are so cool? You're like the coolest thing I've ever seen. I discovered you have a blog and post about lots of other things besides yourself (I love that). You also have a real job in fashion (quadruple love). Your style is freaking kick butt and, in a sea of clowns at Somerset House, you stand out like a beacon of fashion hope. All black with a vintage fur layered over top and Raybans?! Hello. This is exactly what I want to wear. You were so nice when I asked to take your photo that I was a little stunned and ran away. Next time I promise I'll stay and chat for longer. xx

p.s. this photo is so big because I think you're larger than life.

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