Good morning!
It's that time again, London Fashion Week is here! To celebrate the beginning of all things fashion (sore feet, no food, wet hair) I put together a little homage to my favourite moments from past seasons. All these photos have appeared on the Style Crusader before but I love them all so much that I think they deserve to be highlighted again. First up is a selection of some of my favourite people that I've shot on the cobblestones of Somerset House.
Next up are some of favourite personal outfits. They include everything from an impeccably chic red Iro jacket to a pair of Charlie May customized platform Doc Martens.
We'll round things off with the shows because that's technically why we're all here in the first place. My favourite will forever be Inbar Spector's AW12 show. It was impossibly beautiful and completely out of this world. A close second though has to be Meadham Kirchhoff's SS12 show. The balloons, the dancers... it was all completely over-the-top and utterly transfixing. Oh, and of course, the green sequined covered model at Fyodor Golan still holds a special place in my heart.
p.s. I am aware that hashtags don't actually work in blog titles but I'm getting in the social media mood, alright? Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for regular fashion week updates throughout the day.
Forget about sky high heels, this season at London Fashion Week the fashionable crowd were all sporting Nike trainers. I'm rubbish when it comes to heels. I'd much rather wear a pair of bright tennis shoes any day. The only problem is choosing which pair to go for. Nike has so many options and they are all customizable. You can choose the colour you want for every part of the shoe. With that much choice I'm left a bit clueless for what to pick. I do know one thing for sure though, this is a trend I can definitely get behind.
There are a handful of women in the fashion industry that I admire. Among them are the epic mothers of fashion journalism, Suzy Menkes and Hilary Alexander, as well as more recent greats like Tamu McPherson and Caroline Issa. Each woman is carving their individual place in the fashion industry and retaining great amounts of integrity and class while doing it. I like that.
One person who has recently landed on my fashion radar is the multi-talented Natalie Joos. She's a casting agent, author, photographer and consultant - a woman of many talents, no doubt. She also has a kick butt blog that I love. It's called Tales of Endearment and it chronicles all her adventures and has beautiful photos. Natalie is one of the stand out subjects of street style during fashion week thanks to her bold outfits and infectious smile. She always looks so upbeat and positive - an excellent reminder that fashion should always be fun.
Is street style dead?
There's an argument that says street style has become increasingly contrived. It's no longer about authentic individual style but rather has become a parade of famous faces and it items. No where is this more evident than during fashion week. People flock to the shows with the hope that they'll get photographed. They strut their stuff, pose while looking at their phone and wait for the desperate lenses to descend. The only problem is this has all become a bit fake. It's no longer about a person's style but more about whether they have the right mix of designer items.
Outside the Chanel show in Paris this season the madness of street style reached an all time low. Behold, the mini studio that was erected outside the venue. Complete with a massive reflector and a wall of photographers all getting the exact same shot. Authenticity and originality are lacking. It's one step further in the direction of making street style obsolete and uninspiring. Fingers crossed we never see this sort of set up again.
Please note: This studio setting was put up by French Elle but other people were snapping the same photos from behind their photographer.
London calling
I'm sitting at my gate waiting to board a flight to London. It's May and I feel like I ought to have sunny thoughts swirling around in my head but instead I have a snuggly Dagmar jacket wrapped around me. I'm not going to lie, I look a bit like a yeti. Anyway, this gives me the chance to think back to all the warm wooly looks I snapped back in February during LFW... I love the fluffy textures and the evident power of a basic white shirt.
Dangit. Why didn't I pack one?!
Ooo, la la, Paris Fashion Week... how wonderful you were.
Before the Valentino show I overheard a man whispering to two women. 'This is the bloggers catwalk,' he sneered as he pointed down at the white plastic sheet that had been laid out across the wet gravel. Actually, it's the unavoidable path for anyone going to a show in the Tuileries. The bizarre thing is, no matter how important you are your car still has to let you out a short trek away from the venue's entrance which means everyone gets the pleasure of strutting their stuff down the white tarp. Photographers swarm around at the sides waiting for their prey and the perfect moment to pounce.
Here's a little selection of shots that haven't made it up anywhere but that I love a little.
p.s. I'm now desperate for a kilt that I can layer over slouchy jeans, and a clutch like Susie's that has a little hand strap.
It doesn't matter how many times I see them, I'm still OBSESSED with these little Prada crystal earrings. They're totally kitsch but I love them for their garish charm. Hedvig wears hers with a big o'l dose of Acne (jacket, bag, shoes), Karl fingerless leather gloves and a Joseph jumper. If I had these earrings I'd pair them with a soft white T-shirt and oversized boyfriend jeans.
Oh yeah, come on... who wants to get me these earrings for my birthday?
The function of fashion
You might already be familiar with my Matthew Zorpas obsession, it began over two years ago...
During the SS11 shows it developed into a full-fledged love affair. Okay, that's a lie. It wasn't a love affair at all... but I did realize I wanted Matthew to be in my life forever. He's the kind of person you just can't get enough of. Charismatic and endearing, he makes you want to be a better person. The Liria Pristine & Jillian Carrozza neckpiece he wore that season still gives me goosebumps whenever I see it. Matthew loves supporting new designers and for the AW11 shows he stepped the experimentation level up a notch. My favorite look from that season though was definitely the simplest: a MariosAlexander jacket and waistcoat combination worn with a pair of black skinny jeans. Swoon. For SS12 I didn't have the chance to shoot all of Matthew's looks but one very incredible cloud print suit made it into my roundup of favorite boys from the streets of LFW.
Nowadays Matthew's teaching 'The Business of Luxury' module at Instituto Marangoni, preparing the wardrobe for a British film, and is working on a product design that's going to be launched by London Collections: Men in June. Not only that, he seems to have found his fashion stride. He's still wearing incredible pieces from new designers but now in a more understated way. Look quickly and it appears as though he's wearing something regular but on closer inspection it's clear that Matthew's outfits are anything but ordinary.
These are my two favorite looks that Matthew wore during LFW SS12. Yes, the colour combination probably has something to do with it. Literally, make anything in grey and I will fall head-over-heels for it. But I also love that both looks are tailored but still manage pack an unexpected fashion punch. Too often it's expected that in supporting new designers one must adhere to a certain type of aesthetic - to embrace the designs almost necessitates losing one's own personal sense of style. To wear bold pieces in an effortless way that's practical is really difficult to pull off.
Matthew manages to achieve this balance. He also wears pieces that challenge traditional conceptions of function. On the left, for example, he wears a cropped knit layered over a suit jacket - an unheard of sartorial choice (when was the last time you saw a businessman running for a taxi with a jumper worn over his suit?!). It looks incredible though and is actually really functional. With an overcoat you'd completely lose the suit but this knit offers a really awesome alternative to 'normal' outerwear. I need. one. in. my. life. Matthew's second outfit includes a pair of trousers with wide panels that hang vertically from the waist. Whenever he stood still it looked as though he was wearing a floor skimming skirt. In reality though it's way more practical - I'm thinking removable panels would make for the ultimate in multi-purpose dressing. Bizarrely that day we saw a look at Daks that had similar panels attached to the sides of a dress... holla, this is one silhouette watch.
Never one to shy away from making an entrance, Matthew also embraced a few bolder looks during the week as well. This head-to-toe printed suit with matching shirt was one of my favourites. The pattern channels a comic book kapow sort of electric vibe which I love. Embracing the light and fun side of fashion is what getting dressed should be about. Any item that makes you question how you view the clothes you wear, or that simply makes you happy, is definitely the sort of piece that should be embraced and celebrated.
Dear Louisa,
I like the way you dress. Most of the time your outfits are pretty basic but somehow you make them look totally fresh. You use colour, texture and small details to make a big impact. A chunky soft blue knit over a white button up shirt is nothing new but it looks incredible when paired with a black sleeveless biker jacket and a bold pink lip. The perfect finishing touch is obviously that covetable Moxham necklace (give it to me). Don't even get me started on how freaking amazing your DIY sticker clutch is (I want it). xx
p.s. do you think we could please have a sticker party so that I can make a bag to match yours?
Sticker covered clutch
Surely the Chanel show is the apex of all things fabulous at Paris Fashion Week. Come on, it's Chanel for crying out loud. I was expecting some sort of post-apocalyptic paparazzi frenzy... which was pretty much exactly what it was. Imagine you're in big building and the fire alarm has just gone off. Everyone is stressed and panicked, unsure of where they ought to go or where they ought to look. It's chaos. Suddenly the sprinklers come on and water starts pouring from the spouts positioned on the ceilings above everyone's head. Now, take that image... add traffic, platforms and a string of luxury fabric to the mix. Et voilà. You've got yourself the entrance to the Grand Palais where the Chanel show took place.
Let's put the crazed fashionistas and paparazzi aside for just a second though and recognize that there were some magical little fashion moments taking place. The whole experience made me feel as if I had been transported to a Chanel black-and-white infused fairytale. Everyone was painfully chic and, I swear, enough 2.55 bags floated past me to stock an entire shop. Next time sky, please, just hold off on the rain. Merci.
Rollover images for descriptions and check Tumblr for more photos and outtakes.
Being in Paris is a bit surreal - but being in Paris for fashion week is totally surreal. The experience is sheer madness and entirely different from London. There are hoards of people, photographers and show goers, plus random swarms of tourists mixed in. The sprinkling of larger-than-life industry insiders is enough to make your jaw drop. How are all my biggest girl crushes walking right past me?! Oooh, they all look so achingly cool. It takes all my effort not to drool right on their Marant wedge sneakers.
One thing I've learned is that if you want to get a shot you'll have to run for it...
p.s for more random/regular Paris updates check out Tumblr.
Dear Lucy,
I'm familiar with you from such blogs as Vanessa Jackman. You don't know me but I'm proud to say I've been your style stalker for quite some time now. Why are so cool? You're like the coolest thing I've ever seen. I discovered you have a blog and post about lots of other things besides yourself (I love that). You also have a real job in fashion (quadruple love). Your style is freaking kick butt and, in a sea of clowns at Somerset House, you stand out like a beacon of fashion hope. All black with a vintage fur layered over top and Raybans?! Hello. This is exactly what I want to wear. You were so nice when I asked to take your photo that I was a little stunned and ran away. Next time I promise I'll stay and chat for longer. xx
p.s. this photo is so big because I think you're larger than life.
Dear Susie,
How did you get to be so good at wearing multiple textures and prints? Can we please schedule a lesson in layering? You looked so good this day that I wanted to stroke your body... but thought this might be a tad inappropriate? Just want you to know that I love you, a little. xx
p.s. if anyone out there is interested in less delusional (I got zero minutes of sleep last night) posts then head over to We Heart. I just posted what I think might be the most achingly beautiful photos I've ever taken (from the Inbar Spector show).
Love the idea of wearing a mixture of neutral shades with stark brights and bold colour. It's like the whole colour blocking trend decided to grow up and get a bit more sophisticated. Hedvig and Sandra both have such an effortless sense of style... I'm plotting a grand scheme to invade both their wardrobes and steal everything. Anybody want in on it?
Hedvig and Sandra outside the Topshop venue on Day 3 of LFW.
p.s. super excited to reveal that I've just started contributing to We Heart. You can find all my posts here - hope you like it.
The forecast predicted rain for the entire day but it wasn't until about 3pm that the sky decided to unleash the dragon. It was the mother load of all showers, the sort of rain that sent fashionistas shrieking and running for cover as fast as their wobbly heels would allow. Most people weren't dressed appropriately at all but there were a few that certainly were. Here's a little peek at some of my favourites looks from the day:
1. Kit wrapped up in a vintage knit & Hedvig in a Burberry parka and Wang clutch 2. Jennifer and Jackie in black beanies 3. Somerset House - which is bizarrely flying a black and white Union Jack? 4. Spring florals 5. The ideal outfit for any rainy day & Candice Lake 6. Candice jumping in the rain - but I think it looks more like dancing (hence proving there's no reason to let a little rain slow you down).
p.s. I'm tweeting and tumblr-ing my butt off with all sorts of exciiiiting fashion week related non-sense so be sure to follow along: