the taming of the lion...
i finally had my haircut on friday. at this lovely place called windle in covent garden. i had put it off for 8 months so it was seriously in need. they have these great chairs for getting your hair washed in, they go completely horizontal so you are lying down... not like most where you are at a weird angle with some plastic thing pushing into your neck. plus they give you an incredible head massage mid hair wash... not the normal kind where they just rub your head while washing it, but an actual little mini head rub... seriously, i was in heaven. anyway, the haircut was also wonderful. i got an upgrade without having to pay extra because the guy who was meant to cut my hair sliced open his finger earlier in the day and had to go to the emergency room... so i got a girl that should have cost 3o pounds more... without having to pay the difference. also exciting (but sad for Josh and his finger).
so, all this to say i have tried to capture my haircut... apologies for the slight bed head situation going on, these were taken just after i woke up sans hair wash. oh and i also got to meet jill from street style london at the hair dressers. she was seriously so delightful and charming. i am so glad i got to meet her. she has some better hair photos which hopefully i will get to show you.
fred said i didn't look like a lion anymore... but 'an animal with good hair... like a horse?' sheesh... boys.
some florals... in honour of yesterdays post.

jill getting her hair cut by collette.

one of jill's photos of the salon.
i also wanted to send out a big thank you to ballerina's closet obsession and culture & couture for sending blogger awards my way. it is the first time i have been given a blogger award and am really grateful. i am just pleased that there are people out there interested in reading (or just looking) at what i have got to say on here. i wouldn't be able to pick my top 10 blogs to send the awards on to. there are so many blogs that i love and check out often... if i leave you a comment or are following your blog you know who you are and consider yourself awarded.
thanks for the awards ladies, i appreciate it.