The return of the overalls

Ever since I saw this photo taken by
back at London Fashion Week in March I've had the concept of overalls floating around in the back of my mind. Ralph Lauren showed the look as part of
his Spring/Summer 2010 collection
and let's face it, no one does Americana like Mr Lauren. This is the best version of denim overalls I've seen to date. Loose, worn, battered, mixed with girlish touches. I'd be seriously surprised if the girl pictured above hadn't seen this collection before getting dressed... both have on round retro hats, girly shirts buttoned up to the neck, loose workwear inspired overalls, and heels. It's totally adorable and is seriously working. Although the idea has been dancing around in my mind I hadn't seriously considering wearing a pair. Surely they harp back to the days of my youth a little too much (
anyone)? Anyway, that was all until I saw this
Urban Outfitters renewal denim dungaree dress.
I am absolutely, totally and completely in love. I never thought I could fall so hard for dungarees... but I think they would be heaven. Possibly my summer 2010 version of homemade denim cut offs? Ummm... I think so.